Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Processes in Knowledge Construction

(justburrus, 2009).

As a result of the valuable information provided by Piaget and Vygotsky, developmental psychologists and educators have learned of the value of social processes in knowledge development. Teachers use this knowledge daily in formulating lesson plans and development of experential learning opportunities for their students. Advantages of using social processes in educational practice to construct knowledge are that social learning is fun, promotes memory retention, and allows for authentic activities- especially those self-directed and group-directed learning activities so often associated with active learning. Disadvantages of social processes in educational practice may include difficulty identifying resources, lack of training in theory associated with these techniques, and challenges associated with communication skills and personality issues (Ormrod, 2008).

Perhaps, though, you are still left with questions about where Piaget and Vygotsky fit into the schema of the development of human development and human intelligence. If so, Indiana University (2012) provides access to an interactive timeline and map:

We have seen in this presentation how important principles of learning, developmental stages, language,  and cultural influences contribute to knowledge construction and social development. It is my hope that you have enjoyed this presentation and the information contained herein. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments as I believe that we can all benefit from a forum in which to share collective knowledge and experiences, and thank you for viewing this site.


  1. Dama,

    You did a great job. Very detailed and great films.

    Christine Moss

  2. Dama,

    Very well written and informative, enjoyed your take on Piaget and Vygotsky and their contribution to Social Processes techniques in the classroom.


  3. Christine & Donna-
    Thank you both for visiting, and I really hope you enjoyed! Doing the research and building the blog really did help me to understand Piaget and Vygotsky better, and I was able to apply principles of their theories by viewing them in actual applications.

  4. thanks this site really help me understood about vygotskys theory,
